The PRO will insist on the approval of the Bases Law and the fiscal package without the changes of the Senate

On the day in which the Deputies are dealing with the Bases bills and the fiscal package, the president of the PRO bloc, Cristian Ritondo, made it clear that they will support the version approved by the senators and that they are essential to “normalize the country.” Through a statement published on his social networks, he said that “we want there to be a law,” and also downplayed the importance of the changes that were promoted in the Senate because “they reduce the effectiveness of these transformations.” Regarding the privatizations of public companies, he said that it is necessary to move forward with those of “Aerolíneas Argentinas, RTA and Correo Argentino” because “it does not seem fair to us that the majority, in a country that has enormous challenges in terms of poverty and generation of private employment, should support highly deficit companies with their efforts.” In relation to the fiscal package, he explained that it is “negative” that the restitution of the fourth category of income tax has been reversed: “We opposed it when the previous government removed it as an electoral and demagogic measure in the middle of the campaign and we continue to support it today. We also believe that it is essential to move forward with the elimination of taxes that affect production and job creation, such as the PAIS tax, the check tax or the disastrous Gross Income.” He also assured that the reduction of Personal Assets is key because it discourages the declaration of assets in the country because “it ends up generating the opposite effect in addition to being inconsistent with the rest of the fiscal package such as money laundering.” And, finally, he declared that “our position is clear” because “the PRO has been committed for more than 20 years to the construction of a modern, free and republican country,” and concluded by flattering the Milei government: “They are making a great effort to leave behind an unviable model that only brought us poverty and unbridled inflation.”

Original source in Spanish

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