A youtuber tries to pay for his consumption in a restaurant arguing that he is “famous” – MonitorExpresso.com

Spain.- The youtuber Borja Escalona was doing a live inside a restaurant where he was consuming, when the waitress took the bill Borja was outraged and refused to pay for the consumption. Faced with this fact, the owner of the establishment approached him asking about the situation, to which Borja explained “the truth is that they have brought me a paper that does not make much sense because this section is called ‘free things'”. The staff did not know who it was “How about I am Borja, a star worldwide, very famous” the owner of the place explains that they have only given her the bill of what he has consumed. Within the discussion, there is a moment in which the youtuber gets upset and says that he will pass the bill for what his promotion costs, the fact is that the restaurant had not asked for Borja’s services “What happens is that then you are going to have to give me a little invoice, because you give me the data of the company and I give you the data of how much it costs, of the promo, that this may cost a little more” reported Borja.La owner of the establishment already more annoyed lets him know that she was responsible for her company and his “No, no, I take charge of my company that I am the one who pays here: waiter, gender, electricity, water. I don’t know about you, I don’t know, you’ve come here to eat. Borja continued to excuse himself from the fact that he is “a star” and that he charges 7 thousand for that type of service “we are going to do one thing, from the 7 thousand of my bill I subtract this from you”In a tantrum Borja begins to throw the plates and glasses he had “sorry, I am paying for it that dish was mine”. The waitress confronted him with such acts saying “You continue to demonstrate the kind of education you have” to which Borja replied by breaking the bill. Tired of the youtuber’s attitude, the owner ended up inviting Borja to leave the restaurant.

Original source in Spanish

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