Ova Sabatini confirmed that her sister will not attend Oriana and Dybala’s wedding: “I’m very sad”

A few days ago, from LAM, announced that Gabriela Sabatini was not going to be present at the wedding to be held this Saturday, July 20, between Oriana Sabatini and Paulo Dybala. However, part of the family was betting that the tennis player would change her mind and finally attend the family event.  However, today, it was Ova Sabatini himself who in dialogue with Socios del Espectáculo confirmed the news and revealed a family intern. “Does it bother you that there is so much controversy with the arrival or not of your sister to the wedding?” asked Rodrigo Lussich for the cycle of El Trece. “I don’t like it, but I understand how this is and I knew it was going to happen,” replied Ova who was on the air by phone. “And isn’t he going to come?” the journalist insisted. “Really, I don’t want to talk about it,” Sabatini replied and confirmed: “Yes, I’m going to tell you that he’s not coming. For me it’s a very, very sad issue and I want to focus on happiness. I have to accept the fact and move on,” he expressed regretfully. To close he said hopefully: “Things will be solved.” To change the subject, Ova said he was very excited about his daughter’s wedding and said he was more sensitive than usual, due to the absence of his parents, Osvaldo and Betty who died in 2016 and 2021 respectively. “My parents are not here and one would like them to be. These are things that change in life and you have to adapt. But if I have to summarize this, I’m happy,” he concluded. 

Original source in Spanish

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