“The system will collapse”, strong accusation of the UTA and the CGT for the removal of transport subsidies

The unions expressed their total rejection of the removal of transport subsidies and warn that this decision by Javier Milei could “collapse” the system at the national level. We are witnessing a radical change in the public passenger transport system, without the slightest transition or planning. There is no roadmap, and without one, the transport system will inevitably and irretrievably collapse. This new scheme, expressed, without intermediate stops, generates uncertainty, in terms of the payment of workers’ salaries and the provision of public service,” begins the press release signed jointly by the CGT and the Automotive Tramway Union (UTA). In this sense, the unions remarked that with the elimination of the Compensatory Fund of the Interior that financed transport subsidies in almost the entire country, announced by the Ministry of Transport, companies will have the power to raise the value of their fares without any type of limit, generating discord and conflicts between the National State and the Provincial States. affecting citizens and users in general and workers and their sources of employment in particular”. They also warned that the removal of subsidies “will soon be seen in the scope of the AMBA” because “there is a clear intention to change the public passenger transport system,” which is disparate in the different provinces of the country. Although the National State assured that those who need the contribution of the State will continue to have the social tax through the SUBE card, the system is completely deregulated and left to the good of God. There are jurisdictions that do not use the SUBE card, for example. We seek social peace and tranquility for all actors, we are protagonists, let’s not stoop to mere spectators, otherwise it will be too late. As a trade union, it is our duty to warn of what is happening and we are willing to collaborate on a roadmap or transition plan, in which all the protagonists involved participate,” concluded the union of collective workers.

Original source in Spanish

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