Latin American News in English

transl: The minimum wage increase: how to impact on retirees?

transl: The minimum wage increase: how to impact on retirees?

Enterate cómo se beneficiarán los jubilados con estas modificaciones

6 years hace

transl:Omarosa recorded secretly its dismissal of the White House

BRIDEGWATER, NJ, USA (AP) — the presidential exconsejera Omarosa Manigault Newman said Sunday that secretly recorded conversations that took in…

6 years hace

transl: Protected areas in Chile: conservation and not exploitation

protected areas of Chile are highly vulnerable to activities in industrial in its interior. A recent study on the legal…

6 years hace

transl: Father Francisco encouraged to confront “the culture of death”, days after the rejection of the Senate abortion legal

El mensaje fue dirigido a los jóvenes en el marco del rezo del Ángelus, luego de que se rechazara el…

6 years hace

transl:Women demand to Bayer by adverse effects of birth control

Sydney, Australia-a group of women in Australia has filed a lawsuit against the Bayer laboratory by serious adverse effects caused…

6 years hace

transl: Daniel Fanego: “‘The Angel’ is one of the best Argentine films of recent times”

El actor se metió en la piel de José, un personaje clave en la historia que plasmó Luis Ortega y…

6 years hace

transl: Soprole joins fight for who has the best milk

the counter markets last week deeply in the hard fight that pits multiple players in the dairy industry, mainly Colun…

6 years hace

transl: Calls Deputy Francisco Campos to create better conditions for the development of youth

photograph / Congress of Michoacan Morelia, Michoacan.-According to an official statement, within the framework of the international day of youth,…

6 years hace

transl: Controversy in Spain Super Cup: they changed the regulation 24 hours before the match

A pocas horas del encuentro entre Barcelona y Sevilla en Marruecos, la Real Federación Española de Fútbol estableció que se…

6 years hace

transl:Five people injured in earthquake in Southwest China KUNMING

-five people were injured when an earthquake of intensity 5 rocked Monday morning the Chinese southwestern province of Yunnan, officials…

6 years hace