Latin American News in English

transl: The prohibition of plastic straws sucks

transl: The prohibition of plastic straws sucks

this week, the State of California decided to fight a great evil. Not the human feces in the street, that…

6 years hace

transl: Creativity: A factor absent in the Chilean school system?

according to the global innovation (GII) developed by Global Indices (INSEAD), Cornell University and the global organization of the property…

6 years hace

transl: China Suarez lived an emotional moment with his daughters: “Sharing with them my childhood”

La actriz recordó sus inicios en la actuación al lado de sus dos niñas, que la acompañan en cada uno…

6 years hace

transl: Coordinated purchase of meat in public bodies generated savings by $1 million to the Treasury

by the collaborative platform ChileCompra, a group of public agencies purchasing system generated savings for the Treasury cer Cano to…

6 years hace

transl: University teachers announced a possible stoppage of 96 hours if no wage agreement

El sindicato advirtió que se viene una semana de lucha con clases públicas, asambleas, abrazos a universidades y movilizaciones

6 years hace

transl:Is serious Juarez passage in ascent MX

good performances that the FC Juárez box remains, both in the League and the Cup, are the best arguments that…

6 years hace

transl: 15 kg of drug in Ezeiza, climbs the dollar, concern about Paulo Diaz, Laurie and together Hoppe, Rial More committed and more…

Enterate de lo más importante del día en este breve resumen que hicimos especialmente para vos. Actualidad, espectáculos, deportes y…

6 years hace

transl: “The domes”, the project of national assets targeted by “illegal mining activity”

in the launch of the Office of "Sustainable project management" (GPS), in May of this year, the Government released a…

6 years hace

transl: CDMX Government supports delegations affected by rainfall

CDMX-derived from heavy rains recorded during this Saturday evening in the capital of the country, the Government of the city…

6 years hace

transl: With Alexis as Manchester United won 2-1 to Leicester at the start of the premiere

started what is considered the best Championship in the world: the English Premier League, which this season will feature the…

6 years hace