Latin American News in English

Biden offered vaccines to North Korea that today reported about 220,000 cases

Biden offered vaccines to North Korea that today reported about 220,000 cases

The US president, who is in the South Korean capital as part of his first trip to Asia at the…

2 years hace

National Guard Falls Accused of Sexual Abuse in Cd. Juárez

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.- An element of the National Guard, identified as Octavio B., was arrested after being accused of the…

2 years hace

Intellectual property: greater institutionality – El Mostrador

Mr. Director, In our country and in the world, the mechanisms for the protection of intellectual property have been key…

2 years hace

Monkeypox: What is this disease and why is it being investigated?

The disease known as monkeypox, first detected in the '70s on the African continent, is sounding some alarms after knowing…

2 years hace

Martin Lousteau and Carla Peterson travelled to Rome invited by U2’s Bono

In recent days, a video surfaced where the senator, Martin Lousteau, was seen acting as a translator between the U2…

2 years hace

Corn threshing records a 10% advance: AARSP

Guasave, Sinaloa.- Although it is a small advance that is made in the threshing of corn, expectations regarding the yield…

2 years hace

Court of Guarantee of Santiago confirmed extension of 90 days investigation of the case of Valeria Vivanco for pending expertise

The 12th Court of Guarantee of Santiago confirmed the extension of the deadline in the investigation of the death of…

2 years hace

Rosario: child transplanted for severe hepatitis was discharged

The 8-year-old boy who underwent a liver transplant in the city of Rosario, after being diagnosed with severe hepatitis of…

2 years hace

Esteban Villegas is committed to making UJED the best university in the country

Durango.- The candidate of the alliance "Va por Durango" to the governorship of the state, Esteban Villegas Villarreal, held a…

2 years hace

Governor of Sonora proposes that confiscated weapons pass to police

The governor of Sonora, Alfonso Durazo, proposed to the federal government that the weapons seized by the Secretariat of National…

2 years hace