After the explosion of the school of Moreno, resigned the financial controller of the School Board

A ten days of the tragedy at Moreno school primary # 49 that claimed the life of the Deputy Director Sandra Calamano and auxiliary Rubén Rodríguez, the Comptroller of the School Board of that district, Sebastián Nasif, presented his resignation to the General direction of culture and education of the province of Buenos Aires.

In the letter sent to the Director of the educational body, Gabriel Sánchez Zinny, Nasif acknowledged that he had to make a criminal complaint by the constant threats received his family after the fact has happened on 2 August. “Therefore, that should protect my family and I can not move forward with the task”, justified.

Sebastián Nasif resigned from his position as Comptroller of the School Council of Moreno.A in turn, the avocador of the School Board also became available to the justice to be able to clarify the fact and its management on the school in particular. “I want with this decision, make one contribution more to soothe the spirits of the community and give it to you (Sanchez Zinny) and Lady Governor (María Eugenia Vidal) the possibility of naming a new avocador and restore order and calm in the district,” said.

Before this decision, expected that the Directorate General of culture and education Buenos Aires appoint a new auditor. As it transpired, Ana Karina Politi, former President of the School Board of the municipality of Malvinas Argentinas, could occupy that place.

Few days ago, it transpired a letter’s own Deputy Director who died in which San Carlos 2 of the Buenos Aires locality of Moreno claimed to Nasif problems with gas in the establishment of the district.

At the same time, the Governor Vidal was expressed in his Facebook account where clarified that the municipality of Moreno, whose Mayor is Walter Festa, received “275 million pesos” to renovate schools. However, according to the publication makes clear, “80% of that money was intended to pay the salaries of municipal employees”.

On Saturday, August 4, the directors of all the schools in the district met and defined the school closures until not normalised State of infrastructures of the settlements. During the inspection, a large part of the schools had problems with gas.

As well as in Moreno, also in other districts and towns had disadvantages in educational buildings.

tragedy Moreno Moreno Moreno School Board schools

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