translated from Spanish: Gordillo requests under cover to prevent a new detention

the magisterial former leader, Elba Esther Gordillo, sought an injunction to prevent to apply against any new arrest warrant, which has been waged by a judge of the oral system accusatory, Reforma newspaper reported. 
Information about this fact appears five days after his lawyer, Marco Antonio del Toro, report that Gordillo had been acquitted of the crimes of money laundering and organized crime, and therefore regained their freedom.
According to reform, the amparo requested is against any event that the PGR can be judged against, and the demand was dic to Rosa María Cervantes Mejia, judge Decimo second in Amparo criminal of Mexico City.
The newspaper said that the judge had not admitted the amparo until this Monday, and requested Gordillo more details of your demand, seeking protection against any mandate of capture in the new accusatory penal system.
Gordillo was imprisoned for more than five years. She was arrested on February 26, 2013 at the international airport of Toluca, at the beginning of the reign of the PRI, Enrique Peña Nieto, accused of diverting resources from the National Union of education workers (SNTE).
The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) expressed its respect for the decision of the first court Unit regarding criminal of the city of Mexico, that gave him freedom to Gordillo, although did not agree with the Court’s decision.
With data of reformation (subscription required) 

Original source in Spanish

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