translated from Spanish: Mauricio Ortega will have to compensate with $150 million to Nabila Rifo

Mauricio Ortega Ruiz must pay compensation of $150 million by concept of moral damages to its former partner, Nabila Rifo.asi is decided by the first court of letters of Co yhaique, who hosted the civil claims for compensation of damages that presented women, who lost an eye after a brutal attack in the 2016.El may ruling holds that “is sufficiently accredited by cars to the applicant, Nabila Rifo Ruiz, as” direct victim of the offence of simply serious injury, injuries serious – serious, underwent a psychological damage severe, consisting of a stress disorder post traumatic, associated on the one hand to the irreversible physical sequels that suffered in its person, such as loss of vision, and on the other consequences to his mental health that is associated with the process of adaptation to their new condition of disability, which is characterized by symptoms of persistent anxiety, sadness and acceptance , insecurity, insomnia, feeling of helplessness, which persist despite the time elapsed since the violent aggression suffered, extreme distrust. In addition this is added to the difficulties of adaptation after what happened”. The resolution adds that this amount “will serve to compensate and attenuate somehow pain, physical suffering, anguish, and grief befalling the plaintiff mainly by the functional incapacity which is to try him for the loss of vision, “allowing you to put to your disposal or reach other property or means in order to ensure a more dignified life, taking into consideration their new physical condition”. Ortega also has to pay the costs of the case.

Original source in Spanish

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