translated from Spanish: The University and scientific sectors in crisis: denounce cuts

hundreds of scientists, researchers, scholars and teachers college today conducted a protest outside Congress to denounce under-execution of items in science and Technical and higher education and to claim greater resources for these sectors in the prelude to the discussion of the 2019 budget. 

The protesters cut off the Avenida Entre Ríos and installed a “science fair” front of the Legislative Palace, while a hearing was held in the annex with the presence of national MPs to discuss science policy and the allocation budget. 

Who today live in the UBA, what media does not show, because there are things “more important”.
no public University, there is no future. Enough about most teachers ad honorem in fmeda, even so thanks for their vocation. @losmemesdefmed – Agos Lence (@agos_lc) on August 16 of 2018De hearing in the Congress attended the national deputies Daniel Filmus, Roberto Salvarezza, Axel Kicillof, Lucila Masin, Sandra Castro, Fernanda Raverta (FPV), Silvia Horne, Araceli Ferreyra (prevents movement) and Romina of Pla (FIT), as well as Alberto Kornblihtt biologist and scientist Mario Pecheny, among others. 

Salvarezza, former director of Conicet, called “stop the setting that exists in the scientific system” which “is not only the Conicet, the CONEA and INTA budget”, but also “the dismissal of the INTI, Senasa of agribusiness.

The only policy of neo-liberalism to science and technology is the underfunding. The consequence of that is covert privatization. Why support claims for higher wages and greater budget #NoAlAjusteEnCyT – Axel Kicillof (@Kicillofok) August 16, 2018 “is all the scientific and technological system in danger. After two years and eight months in the governance of change we see that he points clearly to the destruction that both cost to rebuild from the 2001 “, it added. In turn, Kornblihtt, who during the debate on abortion had a spicy cross with the “pro-life” Silvina Elias Perez Senator considered that “scrapping” policy in the areas of science and technology “should be addressed”.  Alberto Kornblihtt science and technology public University

Original source in Spanish

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