translated from Spanish: Carmen Frei criticizes “romanticisms” responses of Castle and asks authorities “with moral stature”

the position of the Government keep Undersecretary of Rede s Asistant, Luis Castillo in office continue to generate discomfort in the defenders of human rights, especially in the family of the former President Eduardo Frei Montalva, since Castle hid the autopsy of the former President.
Because of this, Carmen Frei asked insistently her exit, or apologize and show repentance. That’s why, during a press conference which was attended by several representatives of social organizations and the world of culture and the arts, such as Raúl Zurita and Alejandro Goic, groupings of family and human rights, the daughter of the late President called to not stop the investigation: “If a country wants to heal their wounds and have memory, do this search. It is not the search for just us, he is not suffering from us. We call all Chileans of good will to continue this difficult path, hard, lonely”.
“We think different, and it is legitimate. But against the most important things, as it is respect for human beings, their dignity, we are together and we want to follow this path. And it is our commitment, while it is an only detained disappeared, we are not going to rest, we want the full truth and justice. Why reject the pacts of silence as they want to divide our country, saying that we are political or monetary reasons or what they canallescamente want to tell us. We are simply seeking the truth and healing the soul of Chile,”he added.
During their Conference, took advantage of criticizing Castle: “we do not dispute legally people. We are saying that you people that these Covenants on silence or complicity they are hiding the truth. There is much truth they know it, they know what they did with the missing. They know why they executed people who thought different. Them, if you want to apologize, saying what happened. One asks forgiveness when he repents and also recognize their mistakes. It would have been easier to Mr castle had said ‘ I was wrong, I did not realize the magnitude of what happened ‘. How is going to trust a person who not only says that they then says by means of communication that villainous is what we are doing. Villainous is anyone who thinks that we are political or monetary reasons.”
“We think that all of you that we have so much suffering, we are for reasons that they don’t understand.” They have no mentality to understand the humanity that we need. The recognition or even that apologize us. Recognize their errors and help us to heal this wound. Because without truth and justice, we will never be a reconciled country. Impossible, are many years and many headaches. And we have persecuted our loved, they vejaron in an inhuman way the remains of my father, they killed him, they then withdrew all its organs. The molestation is a deep pain. You can only say sorry. “We must recognize errors, and our country needs our authorities with the moral stature necessary to build this country that we all dream of, a better country for all of our children”, said.

Original source in Spanish

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