translated from Spanish: Lindsay Lohan accused Syrian family of trafficking with children and tried to take his children

the actress Lindsay Lohan once again is in the eye of the storm, then that accused a Syrian family destitute of trafficking with children and tried to steal CSR to the two children of the marriage in Moscu.todo took place when he left a disco and met with the family on the street. The actress left all recorded in a live video account Instagram, which are viralizó rapidly.” How can I help them? What need? “, were the first words that came up to people, but everything would have another course.” It was there when the famous tried to convince the children that went to her hotel with her: “should not be sleeping on the floor. Do you understand it? You’re a good boy and that is not fair,”said them in the recording. The situation became worse when the Syrians wanted to leave the place after the harassment of the former Disney girl and insistence, to children. That’s when he pursued them and accused them of being part of a chain of trafficking and “ruin the Arab culture”.” Guys, go the wrong way, my car is here, come. They are dealing with children, I will not go until you take me, now I know who you are. I am with you, do not worry. Everyone is seeing this now”, screams the Lohan family. Even throw phrases in Arabic. The video ends when celebrity tried to take the hand of one of the children and the mother of the small shot him a blow in the face. Lohan ended up crying: “I am in shock, with great fear”.

Original source in Spanish


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