translated from Spanish: Jair Bolsonaro, the winner of the elections in Brazil

has raised waves of indignation for their comments racist and homophobic. Despite this, many in Brazil see Jair Bolsonaro as the man who can put an end to the insecurity which hit the country.
When he made official his presidential candidacy, last July, Bolsonaro, of 63 years, promised to “rescue Brazil”, but the candidate of the Brazilian right generates concern among his detractors, who staged massive demonstrations against.
At the beginning of September he was stabbed during a campaign in the State of Minas Gerais (southeastern Peru). The detainee, Adelio Bispo de Oliveira, who pleaded guilty to the attack, said that it acted “on the orders of God”. Oliveira was affiliated to a party of the left, PSOL, however, police reported that their motives were personal.
While the incident prevented him from campaigning, Bolsonaro climbed in the polls and won with wide lead Sunday in the first round of the election, on 7 October, ahead of Fernando Haddad, candidate of the workers party (PT).
The ultra-right got more than 18 million votes of advantage over the left wing.
ReutersBolsonaro claims to have no ambitions of power but the “mission to rescue Brazil”. Divisive figure Bolsonaro, parliamentarian and former captain of the army, is a very controversial figure and has caused outrage with homophobic and misogynistic.
Their controversial positions on social and political issues have earned him the support of millions of Brazilians, but also a very negative image among other sectors of the population have generated you.
His detractors point out that, apart from their extreme positions, it has a poor history in a long career in the Congress of Brazil, where – affirm – not he held positions of great responsibility and managed the impulse and the approval of any relevant law.
According to analysts, their high levels of rejection can be decisive in a second electoral round though, in the midst of hard polarization that lives in Brazil, the same circumstance occurs with rival Haddad.
#EleNao movement took place in Brazil on September 29 greater mobilization of women in the country’s history. The reason: demonstrate against Jair Bolsonaro under the slogan of “Ele não” (“not”).
Misogynistic reviews led to the rejection of many in Brazil. Once he told a Congressman that I was so ugly that not worth raping her.
Getty ImagesMuchas women took to the streets of Brazil to express their rejection to the right candidate. These are presidential elections in which men and women will vote more differently. According to data collected by BBC News Brazil, since the end of the military dictatorship there has never been a difference in the vote of both sexes.
According to Datafolha surveys conducted prior to the vote on Sunday, 52% of women had said that he would not vote for the former captain of the army in any way. If it depended on men, Bolsonaro would have left elected in first round.
That public opinion studies showed that if it depended on women, Bolsonaro would have finished tied with Haddad.
More to the right of Trump but the international press has begun to call him as “the Brazilian Trump”, establishing some comparisons with the American President, in reality, Bolsonaro located ideologically more right.
ReutersUn man with a mask of Donald Trump during the launch of the candidacy of Jair Bolsonaro.Bolsonaro advocates deal with insecurity adopting less stringent laws for the control of weapons and has the backing of millions of Christians Evangelicals, their support for him by his radical stance against abortion.
He has also defended the torture and the application of the death penalty.
Their positions have been able to leave them whites over more than 30 years of year parliamentary career.
“I am in favor of dictatorship,” he proclaimed in 1993 from the podium in the Chamber of deputies of Brazil, in defense of the military regime that ruled the country since the 1960’s until 1985.
“We will never resolve the serious national problems with this irresponsible democracy,” he added.
At that time, Bolsonaro – who was the first of its 7 as Deputy – showed as a supporter of the Government of Alberto Fujimori in Peru and was fond of the closing of the Congress in Brazil to deal with corruption and hyperinflation in the country.
But, this is not even remotely the only controversy of this type.
In 2017, generated much controversy by announcing that if you become President he will end up with Indian reservations and the “quilombolas” (palenques, settlements that sheltering the rebel slaves in Brazil and their descendants now living) because they hamper the economy.
Bolsonaro followers ReutersLos is called “myth”. In reference to the residents of the Quilombola (mainly people of African descent), Bolsonaro said that “do not serve nor to procreate”.
This resulted in a complaint against prosecutors and in a subsequent judicial sentencing by collective moral damage to those communities and the black population in general.
Two years earlier, in 2015, Bolsonaro had been fined for having said to a newspaper that Congresswoman Maria do Rosário “does not deserve to be raped: she is ugly”.
While in 2011, in an interview published in the magazine Playboy in 2011, he said it would be “incapable of loving a homosexual son” and that he would prefer that a similar child “died in an accident”.
Bolsonaro married third wife and has two daughters females and four males. Of these, two have followed his political career.
But all the polemics in which has been involved not prevented (and it is even possible that they have helped) that this October 7 became the most voted candidate in the first round of the presidential elections in Brazil. It remains to be seen what effect will have 28 October when defining who will occupy the Planalto Palace during the next four years.
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Original source in Spanish

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