translated from Spanish: They departed from his post to Carzoglio, the judge handed down not remand to Pablo Moyano

A through a jury, the judge of Garantías de Lomas de Zamora Luis Carzoglio was away from his post, days after rejecting a request for remand for Pablo Moyano. The judge was charged with 6 different positions: “incompetence shown in the exercise of their functions; Commission of serious irregularities in the performance of the duties inherent in charge; the crime of abuse of authority; facts incompatible with the dignity of the office; defection of his good conduct and workplace violence”. The offset will be for a period of 90 days, but the holder of the provincial Supreme Court, Julio Pettigiani, which, in turn, heads the jury for prosecution, may extend this time by other 90 more. The resolution who voted in favor of the apartment were Pettigiani, the deputies Sandra París and Guillermo Castello and Senator Marcelo Pacific, all change, as well as the lawyers Juan Emilio Spinelli, Jorge Martínez, Graciela Amione, Jorge Álvarez and Pedro Arbini Trujillo.En both, absent the deputies Jorge D’Onofrio and Pablo Garate.La case against Pablo Moyano Carzoglio gained popularity in the courts for not having a place to order pre-trial detention of the son of Hugo Moyano, who investigates by alleged crimes related to the bar of Independiente.En this case, the judicial official denounced “pressure” and “carpetazos” against her, and shot Buenos Aires Attorney Julio Conte Grand and two officials of the AFI.

Original source in Spanish


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