translated from Spanish: The mea culpa of Claudio Fariña after his departure from TVN: “I missed sensitivity in a society that had changed”

journalist Claudio Fariña spoke extensively about his dismissal of TVN, canal where she worked 20 years and where was recognized by his private notes, which were not free of controversy. “In conversation with the”better every day”program of the network, the reporter recognized made a mistake with its controversial report on the March for equality, which was the target of criticism by the sexual diversity organizations.” Sensitivity missed me in a moment of society that had changed. I was in the cross-fire between them that had always gone and who that year had convened for the first time. In this struggle I didn’t read a finer style what was happening”, he said. Farina reflected on his departure and said that “maybe they were many years. High salary was not. Also I was given editorial reasons”.” That fired a junior, earning 500 pesos or a Secretary who earns 400 thousand pesos, you don’t explain it (layoffs). Then why will not be logical to say goodbye to a journalist who takes 20 years and pay relatively better than the rest”, he added. The reporter said that “what seems not logical to me is that there inside some salaries are as if the industry was not in crisis. “In a broken industry that still earn a driver or a reader or an organizer twice as the President of the Republic, you’ll understand that it doesn’t have much logic”. Farina also talked about his personal life, which was marked by the separation with his colleague, Carla Zunino.” 2018, as Queen Isabel de Inglaterra, (was a) annus horribilis (horrible year). Do you remember when she burned the Castle, all princes were separated him? All in one,”said. In addition, Farina acknowledged that it was exceeding its breakup when he was fired, by what looked for support in a psychologist to overcome these bad times.

Original source in Spanish


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