translated from Spanish: Luis Castillo on opening of Frei Montalva case edge: “this topic for reasons obvious would prefer not to discuss it

“It may appear in the sentence some fact that origine is need to incubate other cause, there will be some responsibility becomes effective or not”, said last August the judge Alejandro Madrid, minis TRO on visit in the case in which investigates the murder of the former President, Eduardo Frei Montalva, directly referring to welfare networks, Luis Castillo, Undersecretary who is pointed to by concealment – while serving as director the Hospital UC – autopsy performed to the Uribe.
“This issue for reasons obvious I’d rather not comment, because the Minister is preparing everything so you have to develop,” said Castle at Radio Duna.
According to him, all his performances stuck to “moral and ethical standards” while it was part of the Catholic University.
“We are expectant that resolved in the best way, the milestones are known”, and that “would rather not refer to the subject. It would be imprudent to incorporate me into a discussion that are speculation”, he added.
“The first information I had was the year 2000, so badly can I get involved in something without knowing anyone. In the year 1982 (the year of the death of Frei) might have been greater communication”, he said.
“I prefer to not comment because it is a delicate sumanente issue,” closed.

Original source in Spanish

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