translated from Spanish: Monserrat: they gunned down a Swedish tourist as he walked with his girlfriend

one block from the 9 de Julio, a Swedish tourist was shot in the knee by an armed offender, as he walked about the streets of Tacuarí and Venezuela with his girlfriend, in the District of Monserrat.La victim was identified as Peter Christoffer, 36-year-old, who fell to the floor wounded immediately of the fact. Immediately, the police officers called to the SAME to attend at the place. 

Here the hechoTras the event occurred, Peter was transferred to the hospital Argerich, located in La Boca, where he was attended by doctors. According to spokesmen reported, on the sidewalk in the robbery was found a manned a gun pod 9 mm caliber. Meanwhile, Prosecutor Edgargo Orfila was commissioned to investigate the case, along with the national prosecutor in Criminal and correctional 60.Daniel Minibielle, Member of the city’s Ombudsman, provided statements to C5N on the State of the couple: “the woman It is enough seemed, they are both with psychological assistance and became parents today in the morning. It is developing well, and possibly tomorrow to pass through intermediate therapy or a common room. Within the situation, it is good mood.” In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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