translated from Spanish: They impose the maximum penalty to priest for murder of exmonaguillo

Santo Domingo, 8 feb (EFE).-a Dominican Court sentenced today to the maximum penalty of 30 years in prison priest Elvin Taveras Durán after finding him guilty of the murder to ma rtillazos and stabbing of one exmonaguillo minor in second court College of the District Court of Santo Domingo Este 2017.El imposed considered sufficient evidence from the public prosecutor’s Office, accusing the priest of having given death to Fernelis Carrión, 16-year-old. According to the ruling, the pastor ended with the life of Carrion because this allegedly blackmailed publish intimate images of sexual relations which argued for several years.” I apologize to your family (Carrion), society, the Church, my family and people who loves me”, said the priest to journalists as he left the Court following the conviction. In 2017, after the first crime data, the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo announced the suspension of the priestly office of Taveras Duran.a the time, he expressed his willingness to “cooperate with the investigations of the case and the proceedings arising of the same”and called on the authorities,”based on the truth of the facts, to apply the penalties provided for in the penal code”.
We accompany in their pain to the family Carrión Saviñón, to which we express our closeness to him, ask forgiveness and assure them our prayers days after the crime, the father of Freddy Carrión exmonaguillo said that Taveras Durán “lived giving money” to your son, and “filled with jealousy” for the teenager began to post photos on social networks with your girlfriend. The forensic case report accurately that the child died a result of two forceful head hammer and stab wounds, according to the Publico.agrego Ministry, it also revealed, that according to the investigation, after finalizing the teenager, the accused mounted the corpse in a car and threw it into a thicket of Bayaguana, municipality of the province of Monte Plata, (southwest).

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Original source in Spanish

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