translated from Spanish: Some 50 countries show their support to Nicolas Maduro at the UN

Representatives from sixteen countries, including Russia and China United Nations (both with a veto) clothed to Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza to express its support for the Government of Nicolás Maduro facing opposition and States Uni two.
Arreaza read a statement that denounced the violation of basic principles set out in the Charter of the United Nations, such as respect for national sovereignty, the right to self-determination of peoples, territorial integrity and non-interference in Internal Affairs, as well as the obligation not to threaten peace and security.
Surrounded by diplomats from Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Syria, Korea of the North, Nicaragua, Bolivia and other countries, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister said that, in the case of Venezuela, these rights are “being violated flagrantly and openly”, in reference to threats of United States. “In the coming days we will begin a series of actions as a group to raise awareness about the dangers that currently face our peoples and, in particular, the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela”, said the document read by Arreaza, Although he didn’t specify those measures but added that they would be “coordinated”.
Support of Russia and 50 countries “what is happening in Venezuela today is worrying, we are very worried that some hotheads may be considering the military option,” said the Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya, possibly in a tacit reference to the Adviser’s national security the White House John Bolton and the emissary for Venezuela Elliott Abrams.
From Sochi, the Russian Vice-Minister of foreign, Serguéi Riabkov, showed a similar concern in a statement on the same line to the local press: “we are working on all the tracks for a quiet, peaceful and constitutional solution from the point view of the Constitution of Venezuela, this situation”. At the same time, he insisted that Moscow is “open” to dialogue with anyone who is interested, either the Group of Lima, Francisco Pope and even Washington.
The Palestinian Ambassador to the UN, Ryad Mansur, also present at the brief press conference, pointed out that some 50 countries make up the group, of the total of 193 belonging to the UN. Other 50 countries in United Nations have already recognized the opponent Juan Guaidó as interim President of Venezuela.
Guided “has no control of anything” consulted on what will happen on February 23, deadline imposed by guided entry of this humanitarian aid to Venezuela, Arreaza said that “in Venezuela there is a single Government and nothing can impose time limits”. Arreaza also made reference to the recent movements of U.S. troops in the Caribbean denounced by Cuba, and accused the Government of Trump’s “be playing a new kind of psychological warfare”.
Arreaza previously charged guided saying that “he has no control of anything” and advocated that the “coup d’Etat” in Venezuela encouraged by United States has failed. “The momentum of the coup that the United States Government was promoting is finished. It did not occur”, said Arreaza in English.

Original source in Spanish

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