translated from Spanish: The desperate call of Daniela Nicolas after the closure of their House of studies

the actress Daniela Nicolas made a flash appeal through his Twitter account, by the situation experienced as a student of the University of the Pacific co which went bankrupt and closed last month. Daniela was studying public relations last year and now do not know if you can finish, because not pulled their roles to manage the relocation of a University. The actress published “help! It was Pacific student from the u. The u went bankrupt, closed, and I have getting my ramos to be able to go to another University. What was done in that case? “.” According to the fourth, the actress told that “stayed for a year. They collapsed at the end of 2018, they never told what was happening, there have always been problems to search papers”. In addition, explained why they did not obtain their respective roles in time: “end of the year there have always been problems and time that was going to remove them they told me that they were on strike, who had problems.” It could not pass permission every day on the downside”told Nicolas.finalmente, I talk about the rumours of closure where specified that” in 2017, they told me something, but when asked denied it me and at the end of last year closed, is super sad. ” There are time and inverted silver, at the end let us all adrift.

Original source in Spanish


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