translated from Spanish: Three brothers, their stomachs are removed to prevent cancer

United Kingdom-three brothers decided to removed their stomachs after discovering that they have the same genetic mutation that his mother and his sister, who died of stomach cancer victims. Preventing the fact that lethal disease appeared in their bodies they chose to get rid of the main organ of the digestive system. Sofia, Tahir and Omar made the difficult decision to protect their lives. The brothers reside in Walsall, a British town and seek to avoid cancer with their stomachs removed after the death of his mother, at 49 years of age, and his sister, to the 32.Los three brothers were subjected to tests medical which have concluded were the mutation of the gene CDH1, causing the appearance of tumors in stomach, reported The Sun.
Everyone thought I was crazy until we got the results, was worth, said Sofia.

Sofia, Tahir and Omar, fearing cancer decided to undergo a gastrectomy, remove the stomach in its entirety. Sofia pointed out that you can eat and do everything, but must maintain their weight and take care of vitamin deficiencies. He added that “in comparison to have stomach cancer and only a few years of life”, you have to do is not too; also, despite surgery, he managed to give birth to a healthy baby.

According to the American Cancer Society, to help reduce the risk of stomach cancer do not carry a diet high in smoked or preserved in vinegar and salted meat and fish products. A diet rich in fruits, salads and vegetables can also reduce the risk of stomach cancer. Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons and grapefruit) may be especially beneficial, although grapefruit and grapefruit juice may change blood levels of certain drugs you are taking.

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Original source in Spanish


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