translated from Spanish: Power outage in almost all Venezuela: 20 of 23 affected States

were 20 of the 23 States of Venezuela who suffered a blackout this Thursday afternoon and into the night. The regime of Nicolas Maduro alleged sabotage against the main dam which generates electricity in the country.

To 1650 (local time) was cut off power supply in large part of Venezuelan cities. Traffic collapsed due to faulty traffic lights and by the multitude of people who began to walk through the streets when they left work or had to evacuate the public transport. According to local media reports, the power outage affected 20 of the 23 States of Venezuela and there were cities which were 8 hours without power.

The electric war announced and directed by our people against American imperialism will be defeated. Nothing or no one can beat the village of Bolivar and Chavez. Maximum unit of the Patriots! -Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) March 8, 2019 from mature Government ensure that the Court was a sabotage. “Electric war announced and directed by our people against American imperialism will be defeated. Nothing or no one can beat the village of Bolivar and Chavez. Maximum unit of the Patriots! “, wrote Nicolas Maduro in his official account of Twitter.El Copa Libertadores match between Deportivo Lara and Emelec played in Barquisimeto was suspended because of the massive blackout.”

Original source in Spanish


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