translated from Spanish: They denounce the kidnapping of other 25 passengers in Tamaulipas

while the Government of Tamaulipas said yesterday that there are no allegations of plagiarism of 22 people in a bus company Transpais last Thursday in the region of San Fernando, the Government f ederal revealed that it investigates another mass kidnapping in this Estado.A turn, Isabel Miranda de Wallace, who runs the Organization high kidnapping, said that the fact that people are descents of buses on roads in Tamaulipas occurs in a systematic way. Alejandro Encinas, under-Secretary for human rights, migration and population, said yesterday that two weeks before the plagiarism on Thursday there had already been a similar event with the kidnapping of 25 passengers also travelling in a bus by Tamaulipas.

The mass abduction would have occurred in mid-February. Photo: reform.

“They were also detained by organized crime, intercepted on the road”, said Encinas to be questioned at an event in the Senate about the massive plagiarism.
“Monitoring of this research is being done,” he added without giving further details.

“Obviously this is linked to the trafficking in persons, as we have faced other similar events in other States of the Republic at the moment.” After the revelation made on Sunday by Grupo REFORMA’s the kidnapping of 22 passengers on March 7 that were travelling in a bus in the region of San Fernando, in networks circulated version of that earlier, on 19 February, a criminal group in Mier , New Leon, intercepted another Transpais bus at 13:00 hours and that took 15 migrants and 10 Mexicans. According to this version, they later intercepted other passengers at the same point and they took them away, but then was freed several Mexicans after stripping them of their belongings and threaten them if denounced. One of those released have said that criminals were left with about 25 migrants. The incident confirmed Oaks occurred Feb. 21 and March 7, and in both cases the victims were allegedly migrants. The official said that these events occur not only for a forced recruitment by criminal gangs, but also to cross them illegally to U.S. territory. In a separate interview, Miranda de Wallace said yesterday that plagiarism of people on roads in Tamaulipas is frequent.

Isabel Miranda de Wallace leading the high Association to the kidnapping. Photo: reform.

“This has been in a systematic way”, he said. “Only out to media when they are many, but if we had knowledge that took two to three. “They up and down them, or a person.” And to where we have knowledge by the victims themselves,”he added,”are young because they take them probably training for organised crime”. Miranda de Wallace described as absurd if the authorities already know that such cases are happening in the area, have not taken letters on the topic, for example, with increased surveillance or bus panic buttons. However, and despite a police reporting report plagiarism of people March 7 on a bus of Transpais, Governor Francisco Garcia Cabeza de Vaca said yesterday that there are no complaints in this regard.” “” Are not reported until today (Tuesday) No person who has been plagued “, stated the President pan in an interview.” What happens is that criminals intercept them (to immigrants) “, added,”and are to carry them to cross (a United States)”.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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