translated from Spanish: Concerned about the increase in violence and killings in Mendoza

according to the latest national survey of victimization that made the INDEC, and spread at the time the Minister of security of the nation, Patricia Bullrich, three cities in Mendoza is found ban the ten with the highest rate of homicides. The latest police Chronicles again to reflect these data. At the beginning of this week, in the midst of a fight, Cristian Eduardo Romero (32) received a wound at the height of the left armpit that caused the death road to Perrupato hospital. The incident occurred on a farm in the Department of San Martin.en both, the second fact gave Godoy Cruz.  A group of residents called 911 to alert on a man that called for help after being attacked. Adolfo Montecino (30), I had a puntazo in chest under left nipple, and he was taken by ambulance to hospital del Carmen, where he died. In the same Department and in an area where are typically register many acts of insecurity, the young Nahuel Vitali (18) was found at the crossroads of Uruguay and Tiburcio Benegas. It had left minutes before one of the clubs in the area in the avenida San Martin South. Once again, the weapon used was a knife, which gave just near the heart. Shoes, only missing even the cell phone was found near the body. There are two minors delayed by this case. Also this afternoon his family and friends are mobilized to the legislature for justice. 

Nahuel Vitali in social networks.

Another commune, also commanded by radicals, had the last two episodes. On Tuesday appeared the body of Luis “toti” Sevilla (31) on a farm in Portland with 30 stab wounds. According to the first scientific police skills, the corpse was killed viciously in the head, arms, chest and neck. This murder is being investigated by the Prosecutor’s Homicidios Gustavo Pirrello and until yesterday there were detainees. Meanwhile, Roberto Nelson Díaz joined on Wednesday night (56). Pedro Molina IV, on Servetus Street, was attacked shot at the door of his house in the neighborhood near the 22. Apparently, a direct family member had debts with a group of people, and these were to search the home. The Prosecutor mentioned Pirrello will also investigate the case. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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