translated from Spanish: The father Francisco Macri and other leaders lament the attacks in Sri Lanka

It was a bloody Easter for Sri Lanka, an island of the size of the province of Formosa, in which some 20 million people live. This Sunday the Asian nation suffered 8 terrorist attacks, more than 200 fatalities and other 450 wounded left. The fact prompted the solidarizacion of numerous world leaders, notably the father Francisco: “I learned with sadness of the news of the severe attacks, which precisely today, on Easter day, they brought grief and pain to various churches and other places of” meeting in Sri Lanka”, declared from the Basilica of San Pedro of the Vaticano.Sus statements came after the traditional blessing Urbi et Orbi before more than 70,000 people. The Sumo Pontiff also expressed their “affectionate closeness to the Christian community hit while gathered in prayer, and to all the victims of a cruel violence”, according to AFP. For his part, President Mauricio Macri said he was “shocked by the news of the horrible attacks in Sri Lanka” and sent his condolences to the families of the victims.

In addition to the Argentine President, from Latin America also Evo Morales (Bolivia), Iván Duque (Colombia), Lenín Moreno (Ecuador), Marito Abdo (Paraguay), Juan Carlos Varela (Panama) and Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil), joined among others.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin also chose Twitter to express themselves on the matter.

So far, no terrorist group claimed the attacks. There are 13 detainees and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe would have requested international help to track down all those responsible.

Original source in Spanish

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