translated from Spanish: Chile and other four countries requested the IACHR to “respect the constitutional and legal systems”

The permanent representatives of Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Paraguay, handed a note to the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of human rights, Paulo Abrao, on concerns about the operation of the system Int eramericano of human rights. In a public statement, explained that “without ignoring the achievements obtained by the system throughout its years of existence (…) the statement respectfully proposes both to the Commission and the Inter-American Court the adoption of certain actions that will improve the functioning of face to the challenges of the twenty-first century”, they said. In particular, they requested that “both the States and the organs of the system to assume its own responsibilities in the promotion and protection of rights in the region, without invading the fields of competence of each”. In addition, they insisted that States “enjoy a reasonable margin of autonomy to resolve about the best ways of ensuring rights and guarantees, as a way to force their own democratic processes”. Thus, they warned the importance of “due knowledge” and “consideration of the realities of the States by the Inter-American system”. All this, taking into account “the need for the forms of reparation keep a proper proportionality and respect the constitutional and legal systems of States”.

Original source in Spanish


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