translated from Spanish: Cuban flavor: C. Tangana presented “to deliver” next to Alizzz

Dance, game, drinks and fun. All that promises the new video of C. Tangana, “to divide”, at which works together to Alizzz. With the spirit and flavor of Cuba – where he was filming material – the artist got hundreds of reproductions on Youtube.Para be exact, more than 700 thousand people watched the video; many of them shared via social networks, and others even left reviews. So: the Spanish rapper is one of the most important phenomena of the era.

“I never did it because, I’m not going to lie, it is now with another chicken but she is me. Who wouldn’t want to have money to hand out? I’m going to build a legend and then go to die”, expresses one of the fragments of the lyric.” All I’ve done was worth if I’ve got this far”, wrote the musician account Instagram, after announcing the release of the material. For his part, the director of the video was Santos Bacana, who had already worked with rapper previously with “Poison”.
C. Tangana and Alizzz had already worked together in “Pa’ draw your attention”, the song that launched three months ago. The formula works, and they know it; Meanwhile, happy fans. In this note:
C Tangana
To distribute

Original source in Spanish


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