translated from Spanish: RN President said attorney Arias was alternative to the Secretariat for crime prevention

The President and member of RN, Mario Desbordes, ruled out that the name of the regional public prosecutor of O’Higgins, Emiliano Arias, has been among the candidates to take over as Undersecretary of crime prevention.
The sayings of overflow occur once met the Prosecutor Sergio Moya, who denounced Arias, said to have been present in an activity, where own regional prosecutor of O’Higgins, said it had offered him the post.
“That’s what says the Prosecutor (Sergio) Moya, who told him at a barbecue.” In the roast there was nobody offering fiscal Arias cargo”said overflow.
The sayings of the helmsman of RN, occur once Arias said in an interview with radio dune that “a job offer from someone from the Government, which told me ‘Emiliano, you have the possibility to be Deputy Secretary’, not.” There was a lunch, in a conversation that a friend told me ‘that interested you?’ and I replied ‘what makes this subject?’. They were perhaps probing the name”.
Overflow added that “can tell you the Prosecutor Mr Moya, with all the love I have, at least I, which was in the process of allocation of authorities, and met all the listings of potential undersecretaries, including prevention of crime (…), met all” “templates, and in none of them was the Prosecutor Arias”.
“I don’t know if someone creative has been able to put it out, but President Piñera, within possible candidates for Undersecretary of crime prevention, did not have the name of the Prosecutor Arias” added the parliamentarian.

Original source in Spanish


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