translated from Spanish: “We want a team representing the fan”: Goldberg and Vargas presented its training project for University of Chile

Monday Rodrigo Goldberg and Sergio Vargas, new directors of blue, presented its programme for the first team and University of Chile under divisions. Vargas said at press conference that “we intend to seek the identity, values that represents the House of Bello. We are going to look for a sense of identity, of belonging, a form of play that it has to do with values, which means University of Chile. Loyalty, effort, perseverance, that has to do with the history of the U, that gives character and personality of the team. We want a team representing the fan, that DNA,”according to La Tercera. In addition, the “Superman” added that “will create a method, a player profile. It is not only to win, but the way that I want to play. The fan feel identified and represented. Rodrigo knows, I also. That bond and that nexus. We are going to play to lose, but that the fan is removed complies and is satisfied with the team represented it.” Moreover, the “Polish” said that “it must define features in specific positions to refine the search and understand what you are looking for. For example, the side of the U has to be fast, spend 10 times per time, features that would not serve on another computer.” Both former figures of the “U” detailed its functions will be to track players, analyze rivals and learn deep targets players. On this, Goldberg added that “the scouting should encourage it more. Outline it and analyze it point by point to increase the margin of success in searches”on the same line, Vargas explained that”you have to know your discipline, personality, medical history. That the technical secretariat acquired a key importance”. Executives emphasized that the young values formed in the club should be very identified with the institution, expected that within three years make up 40% of the staff of the first team.

Original source in Spanish


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