translated from Spanish: National prosecutor cancelled collaboration agreement with the Episcopal conference

After a series of criticisms of the agreement, the national prosecutor, Jorge Abbott, decided to revoke the collaboration agreement between the Public Prosecutor and the Episcopal Conference for the inquiries concerning clerics involved in cases of abuses xuales. Through a statement, the prosecutor’s Office reported that the decision was taken after “receiving and listening to various groups of victims”. The national prosecutor’s Office deeply regrets that the signing of the document, as a symbolic act, has generated mistrust and produced a painful impact on the victims, a situation that was neither envisaged nor desired by the institution, “the agency said. The agreement was signed on April 30th at a ceremony attended by the Secretary general of the Episcopal conference Fernando Ramos. The Convention established that its objective was to “encourage the exchange of information concerning past, present and future investigations into sexual offences committed by diocesan clerics against children or adolescents, or Persons in a situation of disability at the time of the events, protecting the confidentiality requested by the people who have attended the CECh. Among those who questioned the agreement, was the President of the Trust Foundation, Juan Andrés Murillo, who had requested his annulment. “He comes to tell the society and especially the victims that the powers are colluding and leave them in total disprotection,” Murillo said.

Original source in Spanish

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