translated from Spanish: Claudia Cortez: “It was the women who supported me”

The woman, who was acquitted in a jury trial, made statements after the verdict was known. After a long debate between the members of the jury, the trial was “stagnant” because they did not manage to reach an agreement, and it was the technical judge who acquitted the accused. After this resolution Cortez spoke with the press and said that he is happy and stressed that “justice was done.” “I feel free from 30 years of abuse and subjugation,” he said. With regard to the judgment he said, “I had faith that it would be solved. I think it was the women of the jury who supported me ” 
“I didn’t dare to denounce him because I felt guilty.” Claudia Cortez

The hechoDurante on the morning of June 28, 2018, Claudia Cortez killed Carlos Pelayes and the circumstances, at first, were unclear. The event happened in Mexico Street at 2233 of the department of Godoy Cruz. The woman stabbed her husband in the house where they lived, then called the 911 and said that the man was unbalanced. The forensic medical Body found the wound and scientific police discovered that the floor had been baldeadoed with the intent of hiding the bloodstains, which during the process was denied by the defense and ratified by an expert. In this note:
Claudia Cortez
Jury trial

Original source in Spanish


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