translated from Spanish: Israeli tourist dies after fall in Llaima volcano in Araucanía

A 26-year-old Israeli tourist rescued on Thursday after SUFR To go a fall while ascending the volcano Llaima, in the south of Chile, died this Friday as a result of his wounds in the hospital of the city of Temuco, the authorities reported.
Yonathan Yoel Goren suffered the accident while ascending the volcano, of 3,125 meters of altitude, in the sector of the national Park Conguillío, needed the sources.
The rescue operations began later that in Tel Aviv was captured an S.O.S. signal sent by the tourist after its fall, which from Israel was redirected to Chile, which determined the activation of the civil protection system and initiate the search.
The same was in charge of volunteers of the Andean Relief Corps and personnel of the Special Operations Group (GOPE) of Carabineros, who found the tourist during the afternoon of Thursday, with multiple bruises caused by the fall and an advanced hypothermia.
The young Israeli was transferred by helicopter to the hospital in Temuco, where he died in the early hours of this Friday.
While the operation was developing, the first corporal of the GOPE Araucanía, Mariano Orrego Leiva, fell on the slope of the Llaima crawling more than 40 meters so it resulted with one of his shoulders fractured and various bruises, so he was evacuated and hospitalized Also in Temuco, capital of the Araucanía.
The authorities of the area were contacted with relatives of the deceased tourist, whose arrival is expected for the next hours for the purpose of processing the repatriation of the body.
The Llaima is one of more than 50 active volcanoes in Chile and had 23 major eruptions during the TWENTIETH century, the last in 1994, but also starred in the first eruption of the 21ST century, January 1, 2008, with a second event recorded in April 2009.

Original source in Spanish

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