translated from Spanish: Fire Department receives payment of 155,000 pesos

Paracorito, Sinaloa.-After months of waiting, firemen two days ago received the payment of three months of pay, equivalent to 155,000 pesos, remaining pending two months. Previously Valentín Alapizco Arce, fire Commander, stated that he was at risk of shutting down the fire station located at the municipal head, leaving only the one located in the Sindicatura of Pericos in operation, because it is more Difficult to provide the service from the header, however, if it closes in the header is easier and faster to reach a service from the city of Guamúchil, this in the event that it stopped working one of the two firefighters with whom it counts firefighters.

It should be mentioned that prior to this there were four firefighters, but two of them were damaged from the engine, leaving completely disabled, and only stated that thanks to the payment that was made on 22 May this year, the fire department will be able to Solve some expenses and reduce the chances of this happening. Valentín Alapizco Arce, fire Commander, commented that it requires a better working tool, since the cars and games of the “Jaws of life” are in bad condition.

Original source in Spanish


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