translated from Spanish: The Broad front likes this: Evópoli adds to the idea of lowering the parliamentary diet

They were treated as “populists” and in the beginning nobody thought (e) The initiative could add adherents. However, the idea proposed by the members of the Broad Front, Gabriel Boric and Giorgio Jackson, on lowering the parliamentary diet, so that it does not exceed 20 minimum salaries, incorporates voices to their ranks.
And although it still cannot be voted on in the house, the situation prompted a campaign for President Sebastián Piñera to urge the project, being announced in the public account this Saturday.
Behind the support for the idea Frenteamplista is Evópoli, which, according to the third, announced this Friday that joins the initiative, as part of a “comprehensive reform” to politics.
In addition, the party of Chile we propose limit to the re-election of deputies, senators, mayors and councillors; Decrease in the number of parliamentarians; And put an end to the travel expenses that legislators receive.
For Congressman Luciano Cruz-Coke, “the political system must be perfected in tune with what the citizens expect from its authorities,” which implies “ending the 30-year stays (in public office), the salaries of national authorities over the average And the high number of seats in the European Parliament. It is something that citizens value and we must take this step, “he said to the morning.
For his part, Senator Felipe Kast argues that “the debate on the parliamentary diet is an opportunity to make a comprehensive reform that will allow Congress to modernize and, in this way, undertake a commitment to austerity with public resources.”
The initiative of the right party was celebrated by Giorgio Jackson, who through Twitter said that “despite our differences, congratulations to Evópoli for the internal process and resolution. It’s a good thing transversalizando the lawsuit to end up with unjustified privileges in politics. I hope it is urgently discussed to be law. ”

Original source in Spanish

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