translated from Spanish: Government rated Michelle Bachelet report on Venezuela crisis

Foreign Minister Teodoro Ribera referred to the report published today by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, on the crisis in Venezuela. The former representative in an 18-page document stated that the Maduro government has committed “numerous human rights violations. The authorities have particularly targeted certain individuals and groups, including members of the political opposition and who are considered to be threats to the Government for their ability to articulate critical positions and mobilize others people.” In this regard, the Chilean Chancellor noted via Twitter that “we value the report of the High Commissioner, because it allows to establish consensus on the unsustainable humanitarian situation in Venezuela that has become an unprecedented migration crisis that requires regional approach.” The report of the former representative covers the period from January 2018 to May 2019, in which it concludes that “there are reasonable grounds to believe that serious violations of economic and social rights have been committed, including the rights to food and health, in Venezuela.”

Original source in Spanish


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