translated from Spanish: Escarnio for “America’s Cup” leaves Monckeberg with zero goals for and as a candidate for change

In the Ministry of Labour they assured that, during the last few days, the head of the portfolio in the Working Committee of the Chamber of Deputies – last Monday and Tuesday – was so evident in its ill-suffering ejo and so raucous in its repercussion, that it was preferred not to comment even at the aisle level, to the point that over the days, the subject finally became taboo. The result, a consequence of his well-known style of listening little and improvise, which has characterized him since his time in Parliament, this time went deep among his own hosts, and in officialism in general. For many he lost by goal.
Although, the strategy to counter the project of the communist party deputies – qualified from Chile Go as improvised and erratic – was always written in the main office of the palace of La Moneda, the last letter that was played the head of portfolio to try to slow down the progress of the initiative ended up dynamit any valid effort within the communicative war that was already accepted was lost. The phrase that he pointed out that an eventual Copa America could not be held in the event of following its legislative process, not only made the Government ridiculous for the lack of wisdom in a discussion of this dimension, but it was dragged , by his unfortunate example, to the untapped cliff that intensified most after an unlikely hashtag that remained all day Monday at the top and was called #MonckebergAweonao. The viralization of this densinuation had a very bad reception inside the government house. The inestheable effects of that day were immediately attended to in Palacio, where they realized the enormous setback and complexity that the intervention provoked in a debate that although they assumed could never be controlled, at least it gave space to react . Once the results were sponsored, the Minister was asked to “leave the map” from the Ministry of Communications, that is, to disappear from the scene for a while.
Beyond recalled interventions, such as his proposal to get up an hour and a half earlier to arrive earlier back home – which also put him at the mercy of the teases on social media – or the ill-evaluated presentation at the TVN morning, when he did not have the tools to debate labor lawyer Daniel Stingo, his time in the ministry in charge of major projects such as pension reform, even before his reference to the America’s Cup and the failure of the government project, was relatively well assessed, without big stains. Now, the stage was liquefied for the RN, as his words ended up being the icing on the cake and the example of a lousy political and communicative management of Palacio.
Questions to his management, however, had been strongly reinforced days earlier when the Activa Research survey revealed that only 9.6% of respondents preferred the government project. The result of the survey was interpreted as a direct hit to the work done from ministry, described as lacking in strategic perspective. “It can’t be that a morning man goes Camila Vallejo with Patricio Melero to discuss the case, it is obvious who is going to win in that space,” they gave as an example.
Although, one of the great bras that keeps his figure, is to have always been one of the most loyal companions of the Representative – known at the time as “the child of the errands of his own peers during the first government of Piñera – sources of officialism they assured that, seen from the prism of the President’s confidence, after this episode “I don’t know if it’s the same,” they said. Similarly, they recalled persons of his party, that until he was appointed to the ministry, it was such his closeness to the highest authority, that when the mp iputed his opinion on the matter that was being discussed, “everyone assumed that he was the voice of the President Piñera”.
From La Moneda they confessed that indeed Nicholas Monckeberg is concerned and aware of all the criticisms that are made internally and also behind his back, and one thing that caught the eye, is that they saw that despite his stubbornness, he understood the magnitude of the passage in false that he gave, and who knows also, the cost that this can entail.
In his defence, RN MP Frank Sauerbaum, a member of the Labor Commission, argued that despite the poor result “the minister made a gigantic effort to expose the PC’s poor proposal.”
Erratic design
Doubts initially arose from where came the unfortunate phrase that sconed the official defence barrier, and as they pointed out close to the labour force, this was one more of the many alternatives that were worked in conjunction with the parliamentarians , “something normal”, prior to a discussion with this scope of public impact. The most concrete example that this was part of an erratic design of argumentation, was the intervention of THE UDI MP, Patricio Melero, who accused that CONAF’s brigades would not be able to fight wildfires due to the decline, without flexibity , working hours.
Close to the Government they assured that, immediately, the minister would not move from his post, which “would be too obvious”, in addition, of a move that in RN they described as dirty, put in place would be to transfer all responsibility to his person, in a discussion, which they pointed out, goes beyond the sectoral. From the official conglomerate they bet on the week of celebration of the festivities to lower the temperature of the case, and thus take advantage of that space for the highest authority of the ministry to assert itself again. At least until October.
Different sources in Chile Vamos estimate that precisely that month would be the indicated for an upcoming ministerial adjustment, this after the last one made in August and which left with a degree of dissatisfaction several because the political committee had not been touched. In addition, the deadline for government authorities, with electoral interests, to leave office is met at the end of October.  Whether or not it is on that date, there is a general consensus that Monckeberg ended up injured in his waterline and although few believe dwelled that he could leave the Cabinet promptly, there are several who admit that the Minister of Labour would have an expiration date.
For the director of the Center for Political Analysis at the University of Talca, Mauricio Morales “while the government had already lost the battle for the 40 hours, he ended up losing in a sunny manner, owing to the unfortunate statements of Minister Monckeberg, who took seriously the discussion, making the whole ministry and the government itself ridiculous. While the President was trying to show Chile as an intermediary country between a world power like France, and a regional one like Brazil, and while it was a kind of environmental lifeguard, the minister was giving a sad show he couldn’t get out of.” For Morales, the government’s double defeat ends with the photograph in which the Intendenta, Karla Rubilar, appeared with the two communist MEPs, which for him plots the defeat not only communication of the Government, but became a indicator of political defeat.
A bad combination
“A President who is distressed by the polls, and an irresponsible minister make things very difficult.” This is the perception that exists in the general framework of a defeat that everyone in officialism deems consummated, but from which one cannot draw the helplessness of the “amateurism” with which it was acted from beginning to end. While negative adjectives are left to describe Minister Monckeberg’s work style, and beyond his well-known closeness to the head of state, you know, he doesn’t command himself.
This did not take away anyway to recall their known anxiety about closing deals, and their “agreement fever,” adding the lack of technical support that was glimpsed throughout the discussion period. They also reproached him for his lack of vision, this by catching up with the discursive category of deputies, “a minister is to make announcements, cut ribbons or report, not for the small fight.”
In officialism they do not doubt that the last pass left the former parliamentarian weakened, and although from his party, RN, pointed out that they will defend him to the end, they also acknowledged that in his current state, “it is not so easy”. After a lunch of the bench weeks ago, another of the conclusions that were drawn in the match that governs Mario Desbordes, is the appetite that would have been opened to the UDI for the charge, this in the understanding that Labor, is one of the social portfolios so much claims by the trade union is not possessing, a discussion that was known after the departure of Alfredo Moreno and the arrival of Sebastian Sichel in Social Development, and taking into account that the remaining, Housing, belongs to the former president of National Renewal, Cristián Monckeberg.
Few inside Chile Let’s doubt that the leiv motiv of the series of mistakes that were always presented in this field, had to do with the weekly or monthly numbers that measured the supports of one and the other project, and in which several , it was impossible in the way that the question was raised, did not come out the PC project. In the Cadem survey, the first week of August, and faced with the question, do you agree or disagree with the bill that seeks to reduce the working time from 45 to 40 hours per week?, 74 percent said they agreed , versus a 22.
It should be remembered that after the number ofs, came one of the most questionable decisions, and that, without warning to the Minister of Finance, Felipe Larraín, called To La Moneda To Minister Nicolas Monckeberg, a couple of deputies of the labour committee, and representatives of the guilds, without prior information, to convene to The Currency by Minister Nicolas Monckeberg, a couple of deputies of the labour committee, and representatives of the guilds, without prior information, to announce the indication of the possibility of also negotiating a 41-hour day. For those who usually have contact with the highest people of Palacio, prior to the intervention of the Copa America, this decision, was the “first great stab to the official project”.
From the UDI, the darts pointed to the government’s lack of strategy and thoroughness, first because they were unable to submit a serious study to support the debate, secondly, because while the opposition project appeals to the emotional, they contended, “there were more rational but blunt arguments that could be used, and not made,” and as an example put on the table, the discussion of automation, part-time work, a policy of reintegration of work with the elderly, among others, on the table.
For Morales, another of the consequences that were envisioned after the series of bad decisions, was what was unthinkable for many, achieving the unity of the opposition and at the same time opening internal fractures.

Original source in Spanish

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