translated from Spanish: He saved the dogs from a fire and ended up with serious burns.

Alexis Cortés risked his life to save the animals from the shelter that was on fire in Cali, Colombia. The wounds caused by the flames impress anyone, but he did not think of his life as he pulled the dogs out of a shelter. On social media, where silver is being gathered to rebuild the dogs’ home, they called him a hero for saving the 8 animals. Now, the young caregiver recovers from third-degree burns with bandages on both hands and face completely covered.

Viviana Guevara, one of the shelter’s managers, spoke to Blu Radio and told that the shelter had no electrical power so Alexis had lit a candle to have light. One of the dogs threw it away and that’s where the fire started. “The flames devoured very quickly the mat where José Alexis slept and consumed the whole place. He tells us that he didn’t care about anything, he just got in and pulled them out,” Guevara said, adding, “In total there were eight dogs rescued, none of them suffered affectation, but he did burn a lot.” The in charge of caring for the dogs was rushed to Hospital Universitario de Valle, with third-degree burns and until now he remains in hospital. Impressionable images

Original source in Spanish


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