translated from Spanish: They try to capture a yaguareté to put a chip on it and study its movements

After the discovery of a yaguareté in El Impenetrable National Park, in Chaco, an environmental organization bets to be able to place a radio transmitter in order to be able to monitor its movements and study its habits, for which it will try to attract it using a female from Iberá National Park, in Corrientes.Exposition alspecies of northern Argentina, which even knew how to occupy sectors of the province of Buenos Aires, the Panthera onca is in an extremely vulnerable situation, as it is estimated that they remain few hundred specimens in Argentina in isolated populations, the product of the loss of their natural habitat, as well as poaching and hit-and-run on routes by the recklessness of drivers. A few weeks ago, authorities and researchers found in the protected area Chaqueña traces of the largest American feline, after which the first images of the animal were obtained thanks to the trap cameras installed on the site.

The species is critically endangered in Argentina, having lost 95% of its original distribution, and is estimated to remain around 250 specimens in separate regions such as the missionary jungle, the impenetrable Chaqueño and the yungas salteñas.
Faced with the confirmation of the presence of the yaguareté, which has been the National Natural Monument since 2001, The Conservation Land Trust (CLT) will try to capture it to place a necklace with a radio transmitter, release it and thus power monitor their displacements, with the aim of learning more about their movements within Mount Chaqueño. To achieve this goal, CLT will transfer one of the females that are part of the species reintroduction program that is carried out in the Correntina region of Iberá, where the birth of two yaguaretés was achieved in June 2018.

Original source in Spanish

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