translated from Spanish: They’re sick of getting flooded every year.

The inhabitants of the colony Obrera Campesina ask for help the mayor of Culiacán, Jesús Estrada Ferreiro, for for several years they have a flood in the street Villa Galaxia, since every rainy season suffer suffered from floods in which they lose everything, in addition to the already occurring accidents, because the waters form a stream that has dragged people and run over cars, so the inhabitants demand that they be given a solution, because they no longer find that measures to take to end the conflict. If you are in a similar situation, report fon (667) 169 01 01, Ext. 1215.> Rubber boots
The Mochitense citizens are looking for good rubber boots to wear them every time it rains, because, with a rain that surprises the city, the streets become rivers and people are stranded in the shopping squares and in their jobs. If you know where to find these boots, please kick the president of Ahome, Guillermo Chapman Moreno, at (668) 812 40 02.> Easy Chambita
The Public Service department in Guasave is looking for a breed that wants to get a good extra lanita for a shaman that will only take a few hours. What they have to do is collect the dry branches and tree trunks that were pruned or that, for various reasons, have fallen and that accumulate on some lots of communities, because the garbage truck does not take them away and many people set them on fire. If you’re interested in the job, call the department director, Rolando Gálvez, on the phone (687) 872 53 94.> Bad memory
A few pills pastillitas palacitas palacitas palacitas palacte s la memoria is what the authorities of the municipality of Angostura need, because the race of the ejido Ignacio Allende says that they have them very forgotten, because, despite having some good things, such as the canchita that serves to clear the children and young is, there are other aspects that are just not taken care of, such as the issue of paving, because not even the main street has come such a benefit, apart from that they do not have a good street lighting. If you know where to get the pills, mark it to the mere Public Works, César Zavala, at (697) 734 00 40.> Go a little out of place
If you have a map of Sinaloa that you no longer use, please send it to the municipal presidency of Escuinapa. Perhaps this way, Mayor Emmett Soto Grave will realize that he is invading the jurisdiction of the municipality of Rosario, by sending municipal police to care for the aqueduct that supplies the municipal head. This is located in the Emiliano Zapata community, but rosario. If encouraged, here we leave the phone to agree: (695) 953 00 19.

Original source in Spanish

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