translated from Spanish: Bolivia: Government releases audio and accuses Evo of “doing terrorism”

The acting minister of Government of Bolivia, Arturo Murillo, presented on Wednesday (20.11.2019) an audio recording that attributes to former President Evo Morales, where a man instructs a Cocalero leader to besiege city and cut off food supplies.
“Let’s not enter food in the cities, we’re going to block, we’re going to be a real fence,” the voice says in a communication with a cocaine leader, Faustino Yucra Yarmi, who “has an execution sentence for drug trafficking,” according to the minister.
Morales “orders that no food enters the cities, this is a crime against humanity. In the coming hours we will file the international lawsuit on this,” Murillo said at a press conference, where he also showed the text of the transcript of the former ruler’s alleged phone conversation with Yucra.
The government holder denounced the former staff, assimilated in Mexico after resigning on November 10, “is making terrorism”. “It is not possible for Evo to continue to pit Bolivians against Bolivians, order that no food enters, it is a crime against humanity,” he insisted. The audio hears me saying, “When I was expelled from Congress in 2002, I was blocked and now expelled from Bolivia, and there is a blockade. We’re going to win.”
Elections would be by decree
The audio was delivered to the press at a time when the acting president, right-wing designer Jeanine Añez, is eager to define whether to call general elections through a supreme decree rather than by constitutional means, Congress, where Morales’ party has a large majority.
The Senate is convened for Wednesday afternoon, but everything makes you anticipate that there will be complications for it to be installed. Officialism does not want Parliamentarians to address Morales’ resignation, as they claim that he is an outclassed aspect, while congressmen loyal to him seek to reject his resignation on the grounds that he was pressured by the military.
In the audio broadcast by the government minister, the so-called Morales tells Yucra that if Congress rejects his resignation, he will “try to enter” the country, even at the risk of being arrested.
Bolivia is imprisoned a month ago by a latent upheaon that has already claimed 27 deaths, 13 since Morales left the country for Mexico.

Original source in Spanish

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