translated from Spanish: Bravitos leave Rangers out

Guasave, Sinaloa.- With great authority the set of Bravitos de San Pedro beat by a comfortable slate of 8-3 to his similar of Rangers of Ranchito de Castro in what was the second semi-final clash of the Third Force Baseball League Pedro Cervantes , which earned him sneaking into the title party. With this result the Bravitos will now go in search of the crown, which will be to be led in a maximum of three matches against Constructora Melo. Diego Alvarez was the victory pitcher after throwing a full game, receiving three runs after accepting five unstoppable, giving away a passport and hitting one. Alan Valdez could not avoid the crash after holding only two-thirds of the innings, a lapse in which he allowed two unstoppables, gave a base, hit a ball and stepped on the plate four times; Saul Flores was the one who closed the check- in. Uriel Garcia excelled on offense as he left 4-3 by the Bravitos, as well as two towed races. For Rangers he wore the most was Martín Salazar after hitting 3-2, being doubles both.

Ganan Lobos 
Wolves of Constructora Melo ended up taking the second and final ticket to the grand final of this competition by folding by crippling 4-3 cards and thus sweeping the series to The Yankees of Aluking.
Josil Garibaldi excelled in the cerrito by launching a total of seven chapters, who also accepted seven extras, gave four bases and scored three stripes. The defeated serpentine was Reynaldo Gálvez after stinging the entire journey, receiving six hits there, gave away a passport and allowed four runs.
Tomás Gutiérrez shone with aluminum by the victors when he left with two unstoppable on four trips to the plate. By Yankees he saw himself best in the bat was Luis Gerardo Ahumada after attacking the spherical from 4-2. The final 
Next Saturday, from 14:30 hours, the first duel of this final between Lobos and Bravitos will begin in the Jesús Gutiérrez stadium of San Pedro.

Original source in Spanish

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