translated from Spanish: After meeting with Piñera oficialismo ends the “constituent negotiation” without reaching agreements

After a meeting of the party presidents of Chile Vamos, Hernán Larraín Matte (Evopoli) and Mario Desbordes (RN) and Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe (Udi) with President Sebastián Piñera yesterday afternoon, the officialism decided to terminate the constituent negotiation by failing to reach agreement on the incorporation of independents, gender parity and seats reserved for indigenous peoples.
On behalf of the conglomerate Hernán Larraín Matte noted that after not achieving results in the negotiation, progress must be made in the agreement for a new Constitution already reached with opposition parties on 15 November. This, in order to allow the enabling reform to be available in the shortest way to the plebiscite scheduled for April 2020.
“In those issues where there is difference, well they will be seen later. The bottom line today is to honor the 15th agreement and we hope that our technicians can agree as soon as possible and be able to enter the enabling reform of the constituent process as soon as possible, in the tightest timeframes,” said Larra Inin.
Chile Vamos’s decision provoked harsh criticism from the opposition for clogging up the political agreement and argued that they will insist on providing greater representation and legitimacy to the constituent process through legislative initiatives.
“Unfortunately, Chile Vamos, as a block, was not available to add these elements now, we understand that basically by the opposition of the UDI. In this sense, as this possibility of advancing between all parties that sign the 15N agreement is not opened, we will approve in Parliament what has already been signed, and, in the legitimate exercise of our democratic powers, we will raise these additional issues ordinary legislative route,” Carlos Maldonado of the Radical Party told Emol
Catherine Perez, Democratic Revolution. disbelieved the officialism by this “political game.” “Even when officialism is going to continue to dilute the constituent process (…) that it will transparent their position once and for all, that tells Chileans that they want to exclude the native peoples, who want to exclude gender parity… independents in this process,” he said.
On the other hand, the president of Comunes, Javiera Toro, told this medium that she hopes that “this will mean that they stop clading the technical commission because our concern is that the process moves forward.” “We are sorry that the right continues to impede debate on the issues needed to ensure greater participation of sectors, so far, excluded and we will continue to work to enable the participation of independents, gender parity and representatives of indigenous peoples,” Toro added.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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