translated from Spanish: Public debt is not the solution for Michoacán, says Sergio Báez

Morelia, Michoacán.- The local deputy of the Parliamentary Group of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) party, Sergio Báez Torres, spoke out against public debt for Michoacán for 4 billion pesos, and which was recently approved in the State Congress, they reported it in a statement.
For the legislator representing District XXI with head office in Coalcomán, the state government should adjust the needs of the entity with the budget that was already in place, in addition to reducing unnecessary expenses to meet the units they submitted deficit in the year just ended, and which will repeat that situation by 2020.
It should be remembered that last December 31in the early morning, by a majority, the LXXIV Legislature approved the debt application sent by the Executive Branch of Michoacán, a proposal to which Sergio Báez and part of the Morena bench opposed, as it continues on a na line route so as not to guarantee any debt.
To say, the Terraclenteño MP insisted that there is a lack of speeding in established taxes and implementing programmes that facilitate collection, this so that state coffers are stronger and not have the need to resort to public debt or creation of new taxes.
“The collection of taxes that are already established should be more efficient. The scheme that was promoted from Blur and New Account, to update the entire process of auto deputies could work in other areas where the revenue is very poor. I think we have a very complex taxpayer care scheme and we don’t make it easier for them to enforce their obligations; that’s where the effort should be focused.”
In Special Session, the deputy of Morena, Sergio Báez Torres voted against public debt, financial restructuring and the tax on the extraction of materials, considering that they are not the solution to heal the Michoacan finances.

Original source in Spanish

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