translated from Spanish: Front Broad ironizes on the high average age of the 231 mpsconcertalist figures who signed letter calling for a new National Agreement

The letter of 231 figures from the old Concertación that makes a diagnosis of national reality and calls for the generation of a new National Agreement, for the period 2020 – 2022, was met with effusiveness and enthusiasm by the Gob and officialism in general.
However, it has been the subject of certain taunts and ironies on the part of young people of the Broad Front, attending the high average age of its signatories, average age that would reach 60 years, that is, far removed from the generations that dared to put in the public agenda, fundamental and yet unresolved old issues, the front-amps argue. The signatories, who propose the new National Agreement, include Senator José Miguel Insulza (PS) and former ministers Enrique Correa (ex-PS), Soledad Alvear (ex-DC), Mariana Aylwin (ex-DC), Sergio Bitar (PPD), Adriana Delpiano (PPD), Jorge Burgos (DC), Ignacio Burgos (DC), Ignacio Walker (DC), Mariano Fernández (DC), José Antonio Viera-Gallo (PS) and Juan Gabriel Valdés (PS); and former undersecretaries Jorge Correa Sutil (DC) and Isidro Solís (PR). Also former Senator Fulvio Rossi (ex-PS) and former deputy Gutenberg Martinez (ex-DC).
The group defines itself as “progressive independents and exponents of the democratic center-left”, who claim the policy of the agreements of the concert governments of the 90s, and make a “call to political, social, Economics and Democratic citizens to come up with a powerful agreement.”
This agreement would be structured around three axes: relevant and sustainable social agenda, social peace and public order and recovery and growth of the economy.

Original source in Spanish

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