translated from Spanish: Minister of Labour by measures of the economic plan: “In some cases workers will not earn the same remuneration as before”

Following president Sebastián Piñera’s announcement of an economic package to address the Economic and Health Crisis of Covid-19, which seeks to protect jobs, provide liquidity to SMEs and support family incomes, Labor Minister Maria José Zaldivar, he advanced that some workers will earn a lower salary. He said in an interview with T13 Radio, where he said that the economic plan’s measures “will in some cases imply that workers do not continue to earn the same remuneration as they had before.” In that vein he stated that “we are making an effort to reduce days and look for alternatives, if the person is doing the same day and the same function, there should be no reduction in their income.” Referring to the moment in the country, the holder of the portfolio confirmed that it is going through “an unprecedented crisis (…) workers are going to have to make some kind of effort. This is a situation that if we don’t face it, it’s going to be very difficult to overcome. The interview also delved into companies that have been seriously affected by the crisis, commenting on it that “what is being protected is not employers, jobs are being protected, the sources of income of workers”.

Original source in Spanish

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