translated from Spanish: Santiago Cafiero asked for the resignation of Alejandro Vanoli, owner of Anses

In the last hours, within the national management an unexpected issue was generated, when Santiago Cafiero asked him to resign the incumbent of the ANSES, Alejandro Vanoli, as they entrusted government sources to the news agency Telam.Si although there is still nothing official about the motives, the reasons put forward mention that the decision of the Chief of Staff of Alberto Fernández seek an action “more dynamic and close to the needs of the people” , within the framework of the general emergency generated by the coronavirus pandemic.

Cafiero asked Vanoli to resign as an ANSES holder. Photo: NA

Cafiero’s decision was announced by himself to Vanoli, in a meeting held in the offices of the Chief of Staff of the Pink House. While it detracts from the officialization of its exit from ANSES, it was assured that it will continue to be part of the Government of Front of All.Much of the decision has to do with the way of paying the salary to retirees and beneficiaries of social plans in March, where a large focus of risk was generated for the most vulnerable. After it, Alberto Fernández expressed his anger at the decision and after the days, the lack of an orderly schedule was blamed, published several afterselves.

Original source in Spanish


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