translated from Spanish: Insufficient and uninforming, the pantries acquired by the Congress of Michoacán, opinion deputies

Naomi Carmona 
Morelia, Michoacán.- Deputies of the LXXIV Legislature, believed that the pantries acquired by the Congress of Michoacán, to distribute to vulnerable families in the face of the Pandemic of Covid-19, are insufficient or unusable in terms of their content, since they considered that they do not meet the needs of the Michoacans.
PVEM Coordinator Ernesto Núñez Aguilar considered that because of the low cost of each pantry, it was not feasible for MPs to claim for the products they contain, since it acknowledged that before the Political Coordination Board, some legislators complained about the pantry, its low cost and its little use, to the extent that – without revealing names- , reported that some congressmen asked for the 86 thousand pesos in cash instead of food packages.
Members of the Jucopo reported that each pantry was purchased in 86 pesos, which represented an expense of 3 million 440 pesos, for the 40 thousand packages purchased.
For his part, Adriana Hernández Inigoz, recalled that Members cannot be waiting for the Jucopo to determine whether more money will be invested in citizen support, so each parliamentarian should allocate the budget it considers depending on the region and the needs of its inhabitants.

“I’m not waiting for anything to be gived me. If you give me a thousand pantries, welcomes, I will feed them with more products,” added the panista mp, Arturo Hernández Vázquez.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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