translated from Spanish: 7 cases of COVID-19 detected in elderly asylum in NL

Nuevo León Health Secretary Manuel de la O confirmed that there are 7 positive cases of COVID-19 in an entity’s nursing home, although he did not detail how many of the infected people would be older adults and how many workers in the establishment.
According to the Reforma newspaper, the official said that contagions at the establishment – of which the name was not given – began with a cook who came to the asylum every third day.
ABC News said the asylum holds up to 92 people. The same means detailed that among the infected is the director of the asylum.
Visits to asylum and the entry of suppliers have been suspended since 15 March last.
In response, the state health secretary said 92 tests were conducted, with all the results yet being available. Nor was it detailed how many would have been made to older adults and how many to workers of the place.
So far, 26 coronavirus deaths have been reported in Nuevo León.

Here are the figures #Covid19 in #NuevoLeón of this moment. We’ve detected seven positive cases at a nursing home. We’ll be briefing you, #QuédateEnCasa.
— Dr. Manuel de la O (@DrManueldelaO) May 5, 2020

With information from Notimex, ABC News and Reform
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Original source in Spanish

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