translated from Spanish: Government publishes Health Agreement and erases it hours later

The government on Wednesday published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) the preliminary version of a General Health Council agreement that expanded essential activities and established the use of state traffic lights to phase out quarantine, however it erased it hours later.
The publication also resumed school and labor activities in certain municipalities, in the face of the health emergency by COVID-19.
According to the DOF, there was an error when publishing the day’s edition, as it contained “wrong images”.

Important: Clarification on the publication of today’s electronic edition of the DOF.
— Official Journal DOF (@DOF_SEGOB) May 13, 2020

“The error of incorrectly published pages has already been resolved… for the time being, we are waiting to receive the agreement to proceed with its publication as soon as possible,” the Official Journal said.
On May 13, the federal government presented its plan for the gradual return to the ‘new normal’. Secretaries of state explained the three stages for the return to activities during the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Graciela Márquez, Secretary of Economy, detailed that a four-color traffic light will be implemented from the first of June. Red color for maximum health alert level. Orange color for a high level of alertness. Yellow for intermediate level. And green to return to everyday life. In this video we explain what measures will be implemented in each of these colors.
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Original source in Spanish


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